The Magic of Ginger for PMS, Pregnancy & Digestion

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When it comes to morning sickness, ginger can be a lifesaver but did you know it may also be helpful for period pain?!

Ginger is one of the most widely consumed spices worldwide and it’s one of my favorites things to recommend – especially for pregnant women because of its history of safe use.

Ginger’s been used for centuries as both a spice and an herbal remedy for digestive complaints such as nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. Ginger has two compounds – gingerols and shagaols – that act on stomach receptors to speed up gastric emptying. This in turn helps reduce pesky GI symptoms.

Remember when you had a stomach-ache as a kid and your mom or dad would give you ginger-ale? Sadly, these days ginger-ale’s and ginger beers generally don’t have enough ginger to be effective so I’ve included a simple recipe for ginger tea below. 

Another traditional use for ginger is pain relief including menstrual pain. In one study, women were either given anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs or 250 mg capsules of ginger powder supplements four times a day for the first 3 days of their period. The researchers found that ginger reduced paid as effectively as the NSAIDs!! 

Don’t go out and start mega-dosing ginger now – I advise you to work with a practitioner (like myself) who can help you determine your options and proper dosing.

According to registered dietitian Lily Nichols, “Ginger is the most well-studied herb used during pregnancy, and has been proven effective in the treatment of nausea and vomiting. Ginger has been used for centuries to reduce nausea and is the only herb that is almost universally considered safe by conventional standards.”

Find my ginger tea recipe below.

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How to Make Ginger Tea

  1. Steep 1 tsp of freshly grated ginger in a cup of boiling water for ~15 minutes (depending on how strong you like it).
  2. Cover your tea while it steeps to keep all the beneficial oils from escaping.
  3. Add a drizzle of honey and/or a slice of lemon to round out the fiery ginger flavor.
Please remember that I am not a doctor and this does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a doctor if you have concerns about ginger tea.
PMID: 26884528
PMID: 19216660
Hi, I'm Lauren

I help women heal their hormones, improve fertility, and have healthy pregnancies so they can have vibrant energy, confidence, and be completely present with their families.


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The Magic of Ginger for PMS, Pregnancy & Digestion

When it comes to morning sickness, ginger can be a lifesaver but did you know it may also be helpful for period pain?!

Ginger is one of the most widely consumed spices worldwide and it’s one of my favorites things to recommend – especially for pregnant women because of its history of safe use.

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